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Osteopathic Approach to the TMJ & Headaches

Diploma in Osteopathic treatment of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) & Headaches.
Become a certified "Manual Maxillofacial Therapist"
This Course covers full anatomy and clinical understanding, differential diagnosis, examination videos with downloadable supporting information. 
  • Over 85 Technical HD Videos, over 60hrs and 12 months access of certificated CPD with supporting theory and downable resources covering:
  • Oropharyngeal Osteopathy - inc. Intra Oral techniques and Mobilisation for the Head, Face and Jaw. 
  • Osteopathic Mobilisation and STR for the Hyoid and Larynx and Suprahyoid Group 
  • Manual Maxillofacial Therapy - Soft Tissue Release and Soft Tissue Articulation for the head, face and neck
  • Osteopathic and Chiropractic Manipulation for the TMJ
  • Dry Needling for the TMJ and Jaw 
  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM) Techniques for the Head, Face, Neck and Back and Exercise Rehabilitation Techniques. 
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60hrs CPD

Fully Certificated

HD Tutorial Videos

Clinical Skills from Day 1